If you're reading this you might have noticed Drift has a new look! After months of work, we just launched our new website, which we hope will give you a better idea of what Drift is all about and what you can expect to find when you come into the shop. We're aiming to post most of our new surfboards on the site and in the coming weeks we'll also be adding other items to our online shop, to make it easier for you get your hands on your favorite Drift gear. We're especially excited to feature the surf photography of Andrew Fisher. Originally from southern New Jersey, Andrew moved to Rhode Island for pharmacy school in 2004 and never looked back. A lifelong surfer, he began carrying a camera on his surf trips around the world and quickly became addicted to creating images. He's now been shooting surf photography for 14 years. Andrew's stunning aerial of the iconic Point Judith lighthouse during a swell felt like the perfect image to capture the feel of Drift. If you've met Drift founder Rob Jones, you likely already know that PJ is his favorite wave in the world- which is saying a lot, given how many surf trips he's taken! Though many things can impact your life's path, the wave at the lighthouse is one of a few factors that led Rob to lay down roots here in southern Rhode Island many years ago. We hope you enjoy this and other photos from Andrew, and if you'd like to get prints, definitely reach out to him!
August 2020